Kate Boulos and English Setters

Kate Boulos and English Setters
Cedar Ridge Charm and Cedar Ridge Doll at Watermelon Pond Plantation

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Time for hunting! :)

When hunting, many use every last part of what they catch. This is a great practice so that nothing goes to waste. If you've run out of ideas for what you can do with your catch, here are some helpful tips:
1 - Cook a meal. The most common things hunters do with what they catch is cook it. Try a new recipe, store some of the meat for a later use, or donate meat if you have too much. Cooking the meat will get rid of the majority of what you catch. For birds, almost all of the bird can be used for cooking, including in stocks.
2 - For animals with a thick coat, use the remainder for warmth. Clothing or rugs can be fashioned from the hide of many animals.
3 - Some use part of the animal as decorative pieces. The antlers, bones, and even the head of the animal can be fastened as a piece of decor.

Once you have completed these three steps, your catch should be completely used. Nothing goes to waste.

If you're ready to get out there and start hunting, contact Cedar Ridge Setters today.

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