Kate Boulos and English Setters

Kate Boulos and English Setters
Cedar Ridge Charm and Cedar Ridge Doll at Watermelon Pond Plantation

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Florida Quail Hunting

Love to hunt quail? Watermelon Pond Plantation is the B E S T place to hunt for quail in Florida.

Quail hunting in Florida was once a common pastime attracting many visitors from up north. Due to suburban sprawl and loss of habitat, quail hunting in Florida and quail populations in general have drastically declined in the past 20 years.

Watermelon Pond Plantation offers the best quail habitats in North Florida. Guide dogs, cabins, and the best hunting are all available when you reserve with us. Call today to reserve your weekend at 352-514-4282. Great southern hospitality awaits you.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tips for training your setter.

Just adopted your very own english setter? These great, gentle, family oriented pets are not only fantastic hunting dogs, but are also very smart and friendly! If you're looking for a new addition to your family, or a companion when hunting, english setters are a great option!

Here are some tips for training your english setter:

1 - English setters are great to train, but can sometimes get easily distracted. Therefore it's important to find a method that will keep your pets attention. Some dogs are food oriented, and respond well to treats. Others are attention oriented and respond best to praise.

2 - Repetition is key! It may grow tedious, but in order to get your point across, repeat repeat repeat.

3 - Rewards. Reward your setter for good behavior, or when they respond appropriately to what you were asking. Reward positive behavior with a treat, praise, or maybe just a game of fetch. :)

To train your setter professional, Kate Boulos can help. Check here for additional information.