Kate Boulos and English Setters

Kate Boulos and English Setters
Cedar Ridge Charm and Cedar Ridge Doll at Watermelon Pond Plantation

Monday, August 22, 2011

Quail Season!

Looking to get involved this season with hunting quail? Look no further! Cedar Ridge Setters offers great options for quail hunting. Private and secluded area at the Watermelon Pond Plantation. Come enjoy a day in our farm hunting quality quails.

Quail season is starting this October. Are you ready? Book now!

Half Day Quail Hunt:
$300 per person

Hunting Rules:
*Only two gunners may shoot over a point.
* Orange vest, hat or shirt is required.
*No alcoholic beverages before or during hunts.
*No loaded guns on hunting vehicle.
Full Day Quail Hunt:
$500 per person

For more information, and to find out what is included in these prices, visit our website.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Quail Hunting in Florida

Enjoy a day quail hunting in Florida with great professionally trained bird dogs, experienced guides and fast flying quail! We offer some of the best quail habitat and upland bird hunting in North Central Florida.

Florida quail hunting is great due to the mild winter weather. Quail hunting Florida was once a common pastime attracating many visitors from up north. Due to suburban sprawl and loss of habitat, quail hunting in Florida and quail populations in general have drastically declined in the past 20 years. We hope to bridge the gap by offering you, the hunter, excellent grounds and good, fast flying birds.

We are not a commercial quail hunting preserve with multiple parties hunting the same properties.We are a small family run operation. You will have unlimited access to your own private area and one on one attention from our guides.

We can also provide pheasant hunting for a change of pace.

Add a little good ol' southern hospitaility & some home cookin'and your trip is sure to be memorable, enjoyable & productive. Bring your own dogs or use ours and one of our guides.